Spotify for Artists: In Focus

Find Your Focus.

Introducing In Focus, a Spotify for Artists platform aimed at inspiring and educating music creators at all stages of their journey.

With an abundance of industry content already accessible across the Spotify ecosystem, the Spotify for Artists team wanted to create a mecca of advice, where artists could easily define their needs and discover relevant content.

Collaborating with the creative strategists at Gus, the Icon team envisioned an experience that would invite artists to truly concentrate on their individual needs.

In Focus leverages animations, use of color, and blur techniques to allow an artist to consider each layer of information as they move through the site and refine their search.

Artists first select from a core area of need, such as the creation process or boosting revenue, before choosing a more detailed facet.

Artists are then served a bevy of relevant tools, resources and recommendations from across Spotify’s many platforms, all aimed at helping them improve their core career focus.